We are a revitalizing Christian Faith Community open to all who are on a journey of faith and seek to do what Jesus taught us:
to love, include, offer hope, and serve all persons with tender compassion.
St. Timothy’s congregation worships in person at 10 a.m. Sundays. Masks are required if local health conditions warrant.
We live-stream on Facebook and YouTube.
St. Tim’s is overwhelmed by the generosity of our community partners and collaborators who attended the Asset-Mapping event Thursday, February. 27, 2025.
Here’s a link to the details where you can learn more.
Here is also a photo gallery.
Reunification Discernment Process Video and Discussion Document
Join the conversation about how the Episcopalians in Indiana might become one unified diocese.
Join Us On Sunday!
Sundays at 10 a.m. at 2601 East Thompson Road.
Worship, prayers, communion, and children’s activities
11:05 a.m. Bible Study