St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church was one of three Pilot Parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis’s Pathways to Vitality, a program that is intended to enhance congregational sustainability.
The three Pathways Parish Teams meet regularly to learn, share, and challenge one another as we undertake vitality projects designed by each team to address the specific and unique needs of our individual congregations. St. Timothy’s Vitality Team is working on a project entitled “Connecting.” In early Pathways to Vitality workshops, we identified the growth and change at St. Timothy’s in recent years as a challenge and determined that we need to know who we are now and what God is calling us to do to move forward in a sustainable and innovative way.
The team conducted a brief parish survey in the first quarter of 2018 asking several questions aimed at discovering how and when the church community feels closest to God, what skills and talents parishioners possess, and what might be done to increase faithful attendance. The team also worked with Universal Church Directory to produce a photo directory for the parish.
In addition, St. Tim’s Pathways team has been contributing to the conception of this website, reading and discussing Stephanie Spellers’ Radical Welcome to inform the new mission and vision statement and associated recommendations for the church, and designing future gatherings intended to widen and deepen our connections to each other and the community.
Vitality Team members are: Donna Adams, Aimee Formo, Marian Gardiner, Joanne Gott, Rose Anne Grasty, Tim Kramer, Rev. Rebecca Nickel, Kelly Nickson, and Carolyn Williams.