Vestry members are legal representatives of St. Timothy’s engaged in collaborative leadership with each other and the rector. They are responsible for church operations, finances, property management and human resources.
Vestry members serve for three years on a rotating basis and new members are elected at the Annual Meeting. A nominee for Vestry must be a member of St. Timothy’s, a faithful worshiper and communicant, a pledger, and active in the life and mission of St. Timothy’s.
The Senior Warden oversees the operation and maintenance of church property; sees that the Church is duly prepared for every occasion of public worship; attends to the accommodates of the congregation and maintains order and decorum at the time of public worship; ensures that vestments and book and elements are sufficient; oversees the Sexton and other employees; and possesses a copy of the current General Convention and Diocesan Constitutions and Canons. The current Senior Warden is Rose Ann Grasty.
The Vestry elects a Clerk from the congregation who takes charge of all records except the Parish Register and keeps correct entries of all proceedings of the Vestry in a well-bound book to be delivered to the Rector at term’s end. The current Clerk is Maria Granato.
The Vestry elects a Treasurer from the congregation who takes charge of all funds except Communion Alms and disburses funds under the direction of the Vestry, maintains accounts and renders reports as required; and turns over the books and records at the end of the term of office. The current Co-Treasurers are Tim Kramer and Chuck Christoph.
The Vestry Executive Council includes Senior Warden Rose Anne Grasty, Co-Treasurers Tim Kramer and Chuck Christoph, and the Vestry Clerk Maria Granato.
Our current vestry members include Rose Anne Grasty (2025), Steve Alexander (2025), Tim Nickson (2027), Ed Champa (2025), Sheryl Otter (2025), Scott Trauscht (2025), Addie Teagarden (2026), and Jim Long (2027).
The Vestry meets monthly; check the calendar for day and time. All members of the congregation are invited to attend.